As a path to previous failures, a new one has now been discovered, again in the iOS messaging application. This vulnerability allows iOS to be blocked with just a simple message. It is not known much about this failure that was presented on YouTube channel vincedes3. According to the shared video, just to be sent a message with a contact card (Vcard) a little higher than usual for the application of iOS messages block, eventually close. From that moment, whenever the user tries to open the application, it will block and after a few seconds will return to the main screen. According to the video shared, this flaw affects the latest versions of iOS, from the 9 to the most recent, and still in the testing phase 10.2.1. See the video below in which the whole process is demonstrated.

From the tests performed it was possible to replicate this problem and confirm it, thus guaranteeing the authenticity of the application failure. As in previous situations, Apple’s intervention will be necessary to resolve this failure. It is expected that soon there will be either a correction within the next version to be released, 10.2.1 or an extraordinary update to correct this problem. Until then, iOS users should avoid opening contact cards that they receive, and if they notice an abnormal slowness in the application of messages, they should eliminate the conversation where they received that contact card.


This Text Message Will Crash   Break Any iPhone Messages App - 4This Text Message Will Crash   Break Any iPhone Messages App - 27This Text Message Will Crash   Break Any iPhone Messages App - 82