Google bans these 19 Android apps.

This latest news comes from the team at White Ops Satori Threat Intelligence. This team researched and discovered 19 apps which were filled with unwanted and irritating adverts. This adware can take over the app even when the device is locked, unlocked and if the device is in charge or not. The device can be attacked even if the infected app is open or not. However, Google has removed the apps from Play Store, but all those Android users who already have these apps must delete it from their phones. After the team looked more closely at the apps, the White Ops discovered the code adverts, and it was easy to detect the problem. All the apps in the investigation did not work as an advertisement. White Ops named this investigation CHARTREUSEBLUR, as most of the apps which were attacked have the word “blur” in the name. And many other apps are photo editors which are popular and most downloaded apps from the Play Store.


Google Bans 19 Android Apps for Injecting adware    asks users to Uninstall it Immediately - 53Google Bans 19 Android Apps for Injecting adware    asks users to Uninstall it Immediately - 36Google Bans 19 Android Apps for Injecting adware    asks users to Uninstall it Immediately - 83Google Bans 19 Android Apps for Injecting adware    asks users to Uninstall it Immediately - 84